Quvurlarning eksenel tortilishini samarali kamaytiradigan uchtadan to'rtta tortgichli tayoqlarni o'rab olish. The perfect combination of pull rods and coupling greatly lessen vibration, lower noise as well as provide ideal compensation. Easy and quick installation make GRIP-LM a reliable choice for you.
PH34-ph362mm quvurlar uchun mos
ARIP-LM faqat metall quvurlarda ishlatilishi mumkin.
GRIP-LM texnik parametrlari
GRIP-LM materiallarini tanlash
Moddiy komponentlar | V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V5 | V6 |
Qopqoq | Aision 304 | Aisi 316l | ASI 316TI | Aisi 316l | ASI 316TI | Aision 304 |
Murvat | Aision 304 | Aisi 316l | Aisi 316l | Aision 304 | Aision 304 | Aisi 4135 |
Aision 304 | Aisi 316l | Aisi 316l | Aision 304 | Aision 304 | Aisi 4135 | |
Aision 301 | Aision 301 | Aision 301 | Aision 301 | Aision 301 |
Muhrning materiallari | Ommaviy axborot vositalari | Harorat oralig'i |
Epdm | -30 ℃ + 120 ℃ | |
Nbr | Suv, gaz, neft, yoqilg'i va boshqa uglevanlar | |
Mvq | Yuqori haroratli suyuq, kislorod, ozon, suv va boshqalar | |
GRIP-LM is the deformation of G type, based on GRIP-G to improve better performance of GRIP-G for large pipes outside diameters above 300mm, deleted two anchoring and added three pull rods, which can effectively reduce the axial pull strength of pipes .