Qulf quvurli qisqich (2 ta qulfni muhrlash tizimi bilan almashish tizimi bilan trubkani tuzatish)
The advantage of GRIP-D repair clamps is that is can befitted to existing pipes in situation, without any need to remove and replacing pipes, GRIP-R pipe repair clamp can repair the pipes that are ageing and corrosive and pipe wall has holes or cracks . When installing it, it only needs pipe clamp to wrap the leakage part and tighten the bolt. Keyin o'rnatish juda ideal va ishonchli tarzda yakunlandi.
GRIP-D materiallarini tanlash
V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V5 | V6 | |
Murvat | ||||||
Rezina qashqa material
Muhrning materiallari | Ommaviy axborot vositalari | Harorat oralig'i |
Suv, gaz, neft, yoqilg'i va boshqa uglevanlar | ||
-70 ℃ + 260 ℃ | ||